
Full Stack & IOT Specialists

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Website, API, Apps

Design and deployment of local or cloud-based solutions

Connectivity for apps and devices

MQTT, HTTP, WebSockets, Bluetooth, WiFi, IR or RF. Connecting devices to each other and the cloud

ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino

Software and hardware design. Rapid prototyping

Building Smart Devices

Arduino based firmware for low cost connected devices, using PlatformIO for a reproducible code base.

Rapid prototyping - from breadboard to prototype.

Leveraging the Cloud

Internet connected apps and devices can utilize the unlimited power available in the cloud. We specialise in Python Flask based websites, as well as web-app and api development and deployment.

WordPress setup, ecommerce sites and low-cost hosting.

Project Showcase...

SmartPoi Downloader

Customize your firmware before using Arduino IDE to upload.

SmartPoi Downloader
LED Website Indicator

RGB LED desk toy which lights up whenever anyone visits any of your websites. Includes a custom WordPress plug-in, as well as Python library and online MQTT service.

Led Website Indicator
Magic Poi

"Persistence-Of-Vision" professional performance display equipment with the ability to sychronise with other equipment using a cloud hookup, controlled by an Android app.

Magic Poi
Monkey Detector

Computer vision detects the presence of monkeys and switches on a WiFi connected sprinkler to chase them away from sensitive areas.

Monkey Detector
Word Cloud for an entire YouTube channel's transcripts

Creating a Word Cloud poster from every single word said in years of video's

Youtube Channel Word Cloud
Large responsive website with content loaded from templates

Almost 100 pages on the site so far, using Flask Templates.

Durban Party Venues Website
CoronaVirusSA Android App

Full Android App for Tracking Covid-19 spread in South Africa - with a map and graphs built on open source data.

CoronaVirusSA App
Pirate Booking Agent Chatbot

AI Chatbot using Deepseek API.

Pirate Booking Agent
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